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The Ghana Real Estate Professionals Association (GREPA) offers numerous benefits that foster both personal and professional growth for its members. As a member, you will receive special discounts, publications, educational opportunities, support, and resources designed to enhance your real estate business.

In Ghana, GREPA actively supports government initiatives and participates in consultative discussions on the development of legislation, events, and programs that benefit the real estate industry. GREPA also collaborates with key affiliate organizations such as the Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA), the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), and AmCham Ghana.

Our affiliations with prestigious international real estate organizations, including the National Association of REALTORS®, FIABCI, IESC, IHC Global, RESO, REALTOR.COM, Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, and many others, provide our members with a wealth of diverse experiences and valuable networking platforms. These partnerships further enrich the comprehensive list of benefits that GREPA members enjoy.

Learn what each of these benefits can mean for you:


Professional Development and Education

GREPA members have access to practical knowledge and insights from local and global leaders in the field, best practices, research, and everyday tools to help you succeed in the real estate industry. We provide information, resources, and education programs to help you keep current on the latest news, legislation, and issues affecting the industry. Our comprehensive educational programs are geared towards advanced practice and professional development. Our instructors come from diverse backgrounds to provide you with modules to make you a Power Agent.Our members have access to continuous professional development programs, certifications, and training courses to enhance skills and knowledge in the rapidly changing real estate industry.

Most of these programs are licensed and accredited by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)


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Marketing & Global Exposure :

Enhanced visibility and marketing opportunities through GREPA’s platforms, publications, and events (ARCE Conference).
GREPA shares the entire 
NAR’s REALTOR® Benefits Program with our official IRM members.They enhance the personal and business brands of our members.
Continuous u
pdates regarding meetings, events, and any other real-estate programs or initiatives are published to keep members informed and up to date. 
Our members 
receive information and invitation in  advance about the numerous events that are planned locally and internationally.

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International Conferencing & Networking  


GREPA provides an immense potential for business opportunities through networking by peer-to-peer discussions, international meetings, trade missions, educational tours and annual conferences through our partner organization  like  NAR, FIABCI, LEADINGRE, IESC etc.
Opportunities to network with other real estate professionals and other affiliate corporate organizations, both locally and internationally, through events, conferences, meetings. Social media platforms and groups.
The ARCE Conference initiative have provided another great opportunity for GREPA members who attend to networks with participants from all over the world, receive and listen to renouned speakers from all over the world. 

Advocacy and Representation

In order to protect private property rights, GREPA advocates and promotes industry regulations. The Association is constantly advocating for reforms and legislation to sanitize the real estate & housing industry, the association is committed to monitoring all of the issues affecting the industry which can have adverse effects on the general economy and business development. 
GREPA worked extensively as stakeholder with parliament of Ghana on the development of the real estate Agency Bill 2014 amended in 2015, passed in Dec 2020 as the Ghana Real Estate Agency ACT 1047.

We continue to advocate for industry reforms by representation on industry issues and advocacy on behalf of members influencing policy and legislation that affects the real estate industry.
The Association gained a seat on the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Agency Council of the Government of Ghana contributing to the development and implementation of the law.
Recognized as a direct national stakeholder, the Ministry of Works and housing is in constant contact with GREPA on industry issues and looks up to GREPA’s contributions toward certain legislative instruments.

GREPA therefore gives its members a platform to advocate for the collective good and shared interest which ultimately goes to benefit the nation's economy and improve  the  standard  of  life  of  our  people.

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Local Synergy

GREPA has developed and maintained strong ties with other national real estate associations like Ghana Real Estate Developers Association  (GREDA) Ghana Institute of Surveyors (GhIS) and Center for Real Estate and Social Housing (CRESH). The bond and working relationships created is to ensure continuity and to avoid duplication of achievement and efforts in the industry, GREPA is very well positioned to work together in harmony with any group that observes the mutual respect and extends it in reciprocity.
Our Organization is in partnership with organizations like KPMG Ghana, to work together in educating and promoting sustainability in real estate

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MLS & International Syndication

Access to various real estate tools, resources, and platforms such as Multiple Listing Service (MLS) systems,LOOP Ghana, market data, and research reports.
GREPA members have the exclusive privilege of being the only Brokers/Agents who could have their listed properties appear on global real estate platforms like, the largest real estate marketplace in the world. This is absolutely an unprecedented feat and an awesome achievement for members to access world wide coverage and audience for their properties. In addition to GREPA has many other syndication platforms.

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Back-Office Support

GREPA members have direct 24/7 access to a team of dedicated and highly committed back-office staff who are always standing by and ever ready to assist with any challenge members may face. The team also provides direction, education and assistance with MLS related and other queries.



GREPA members are assured of discounts on Insurance , airtime and internet services, Electronics & Mobile Technology , medical, drugs Airline, hotel, printing, education.



GREPA Xposure MLS with its consumer facing portal Loop Ghana is the first of the kind in Africa.         
As a GREPA Member and subscribed to our Xposure/Loopghana MLS, your listings are published internationally to With over 1 million unique international visitors to the site each month, this service means true global exposure for your listings                          



NAR maintains formal relationships with 100 organized real estate associations around the world, giving REALTORS® confidence in working with professionals that abide by a code of ethics.
In November 2015, The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and the Ghana Real Estate Professionals Association (GREPA) established a bilateral partnership to foster collaboration and enhance the real estate industry in both the United States and Ghana. This partnership is rooted in mutual goals of promoting high standards of professionalism, ethics, and best practices within the real estate profession.
The NAR-GREPA bilateral partnership is a significant step towards advancing the real estate profession in Ghana by providing GREPA members with the tools, knowledge, and connections necessary to thrive in a global real estate market

                                               Download the IRM Benefits package HERE

Key Aspects of the NAR-GREPA Bilateral Partnership:

  1. Professional Development and Education:

    • Exchange Programs: Members of both associations benefit from educational exchange programs, which provide opportunities for learning and professional growth.
    • Training and Certification: GREPA members have access to NAR’s training programs and certifications, such as the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) designation, which equips real estate professionals with the skills and knowledge to conduct international transactions.
  2. Networking and Collaboration:

    • Global Networking: The partnership facilitates networking opportunities between real estate professionals from Ghana and the United States, promoting cross-border collaboration and business opportunities.
    • Joint Events and Conferences: Both organizations collaborate on events, such as conferences and seminars, to share knowledge and experiences, and to discuss global real estate trends and best practices.
  3. Advocacy and Policy Development:

    • Joint Advocacy Efforts: GREPA and NAR work together on advocacy initiatives to influence real estate policy and legislation that benefits the industry and protects property rights.
    • Consultative Support: NAR provides consultative support to GREPA in its efforts to develop and implement policies that promote a healthy real estate market in Ghana.
  4. Resource Sharing:

    • Access to Research and Data: GREPA members gain access to NAR’s extensive research, data, and publications, which provide valuable insights into global real estate markets and trends.
    • Technology and Tools: The partnership enables GREPA members to leverage NAR’s technological tools and resources, such as the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), to enhance their business operations.
  5. Standards and Ethics:

    • Code of Ethics: The bilateral agreement emphasizes the importance of maintaining high ethical standards. GREPA members are encouraged to adhere to NAR’s Code of Ethics, which promotes integrity, fairness, and professionalism in real estate transactions.

Benefits to GREPA Members:

  • Enhanced Professional Credentials: Access to NAR’s educational programs and certifications enhances the professional credentials of GREPA members.
  • Increased Business Opportunities: The global networking platform provided by the partnership opens up new business opportunities for GREPA members.
  • Access to Global Best Practices: Members benefit from exposure to global best practices in real estate, which can be applied to improve their own business operations.
  • Stronger Advocacy Efforts: Joint advocacy efforts with NAR strengthen GREPA’s ability to influence real estate policy and legislation in Ghana.